Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The no texting and driving law implemented in Georgia is a good idea. I believe that texting and driving can be very dangerous not only to yourself but to other drivers on the road around you. I don’t believe that talking and driving is as bad even though studies have shown that the conversation itself distracts the driver. Texting and driving is bad because the individual has to take their eyes completely off of the road to concentrate on their phone. This can sometimes cause the individual to swerve in return scaring other drivers around them or in worst cases even causing fatal accidents.
However, some phones have a speech recognition program on the phone in which you speak in to your phone and it transcribes what you said as text. This can be very helpful when it comes to texting but is still dangerous because the software can still produce the wrong words urging you to correct them.
I think younger drivers are more prone to texting and driving verses older drivers. There are a number of reasons why I say this. One reason older drivers are not affected by texting while driving is due to them being use to just making phone calls with their phones.  Young people were born into this era of texting therefore brainwashing them to believe texting any and all the time is appropriate.

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