Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Sudden: The death of Robert Garza is the third such school boy death in the last month. The other two both had heart conditions
Recently there has been a bunch of young high school athletes, collapsing and dying while playing basketball. Just this month three high school sports players have died during a regulation game. The most recent is a south Texas Roma High student who collapsed without any warning. The young man was only 16 and his cause of death is still unknown. He was last seen high fiving his teammates, took a glass of water and just collapsed.
Collapse: Team mates mob Wes Leonard, 16, after he scored the game-winning basket for Fennville Blackhawks. Moments later, he collapsed and died on the court.
Before this death was the Michigan’s high school player Wes Leonard who collapsed after hitting the game winning shot to conceal his team’s perfect record. He was only 16 too and his cause of death was a cardiac arrest brought on by dilated cardiomyopathy.
 Tragedy: The death comes just days after Matthew Hammerdorfer,17, collapsed after taking a tackle to the chest at a school rugby match near Denver
Also, Matthew Hammerdorfer who died from cardiac arrest which was caused by a congenital heart defect collapsed during a game of Rugby in Fort Collins Colorado. Some believe that the bump to the chest caused the cardiac arrest but the coroner stated that did not contribute to the cause of death. All of these sad tragic string of events that have happened to these students is horrible and would benefit the family if they at least knew what was their cause of death.  Spontaneous deaths like these should make you cherish your family and kids even more.

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