Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Architecture and Modeling

In February 2010, I did a photoshoot at Atlanta's Fox Theater for the grad students in the SCAD fashion department.  This picture is from a particular room referred to as the "Egyptian" room due to its architecture, color scheme, and furniture selection.  However, really looking at the details of the entire room it was more than Egyptian and actually very eclectic, composed of several design influences.  In the picture, you can see the keyhole door way which is common in Islamic architecture such as on mosque.  Another very similar arch to this keyhole arch is the horse shoe arch which can also be seen on mosque.

Keyhole Arch

Horse Shoe Arch

Comparing the two arches is almost hard to extinguish the differences, but its possible by observing the details closely.  The keyhole arch is distinguished by multi-foils which are like trefoils or quartre-foils with half circle defining the top of the arch.  Also the keyhole arch is more of an almost closed circle arch while the horse shoe arch is much wider and less closed. 

Referring back to the picture, it is also more of an Islamic influence than Egyptian because of the use of the star painted in the middle of the arch similar to the Star of David.

Islamic Building

In this Islamic architecture, the Star of David is visible similar to the star at the Fox theater both having six points on the star.  In Islamic culture, the Star of David is referred to as Najmat Dawud in Arabic.

Overall, this so called "Egyptian" room in the Fox Theater obviously looks back at Islamic architecture also. Here are some more picture from the Fox Theater...

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