Thursday, March 17, 2011


Some people may not know but fashion and other major areas such as interior design are forecasted just like weather. There are a group of people who sit down and decide which hue of color will be popular for certain seasons. This helps designers of all makes and models figure out what it is that they want to do as far as design goes even if that designer already has a strong design.

This in return helps consumers match tops and bottoms more accurately as well as shoes and accessories. If you haven’t already as you start shopping for the summer you can see some of these colors already pretty dominant in some head retailer chains. American Eagle, Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Ralph Lauren just to name a few. The color(s) for this upcoming season are shades of blue related to the ocean or beach. Some people are calling it the “Aquatic” scheme for 2011. This may entice you into the mood of flowy, cool, soothing, serenity.


There are cell phone apps that allows someone to survey others information. These apps are mainly created for phones running the Android software. One app named the “M-Spy” can be used to listen in on others conversation. All one has to do is download the app, set up a pin number and your phone becomes audio bug. You leave the phone where you want to spy, send it a text message with that pin number and voila.
That’s one of the many surveillance apps, another app can be used as an IP webcam. This app is very simple to setup, all you have to do is run the software. Once the software is running it immediately starts recording and sending information. In order to see your Droid web camera all you have to do is visit the IP address that is listed at the bottom of the setup page. There are several ways you can view the webcam; Stream through a media player such as VLC, use a java browser plug-in, connect to PC for use with messengers such as Skype, or take an immediate photo.

Technology has come a long way and is expanding the boundaries of the modern day cell phone.  Although the miss use of this technology may become a problem especially if put into the wrong hands of Pedi filers or criminals.  There should be some kind of limits to who can download these apps or what essentially is there use for the app.  We make new technology daily but never take time to look into their effect or consequences.


I never watched Charlie Sheen’s TV show or much of anything from the guy really but I do think that he is very entertaining. I also do believe that his “problem” makes him more entertaining. For those of you who don’t know Mr. Sheen is the star of CBS’s Two and a Half Men.
The show is a about a freelance jingle writer who is irresistible to the ladies. Charlie (the jingle writer) allows his brother to come stay with him in his beach house after his brother goes through a separation. His brother also has a son who travels back and forth between the parents.
Mr. Sheen just recently got released from the hospital for substance abuse during a party. It is reported that Sheen was reportedly with a young porn star during the night he went to the hospital. She told TMZ that Mr. Sheen receive a brief case full of cocaine that night of the party. Doctors have said he has faced this problem for a while dating as far back as to 1990. Charlie Sheen is no novice to trouble as he has been down these roads before.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Sudden: The death of Robert Garza is the third such school boy death in the last month. The other two both had heart conditions
Recently there has been a bunch of young high school athletes, collapsing and dying while playing basketball. Just this month three high school sports players have died during a regulation game. The most recent is a south Texas Roma High student who collapsed without any warning. The young man was only 16 and his cause of death is still unknown. He was last seen high fiving his teammates, took a glass of water and just collapsed.
Collapse: Team mates mob Wes Leonard, 16, after he scored the game-winning basket for Fennville Blackhawks. Moments later, he collapsed and died on the court.
Before this death was the Michigan’s high school player Wes Leonard who collapsed after hitting the game winning shot to conceal his team’s perfect record. He was only 16 too and his cause of death was a cardiac arrest brought on by dilated cardiomyopathy.
 Tragedy: The death comes just days after Matthew Hammerdorfer,17, collapsed after taking a tackle to the chest at a school rugby match near Denver
Also, Matthew Hammerdorfer who died from cardiac arrest which was caused by a congenital heart defect collapsed during a game of Rugby in Fort Collins Colorado. Some believe that the bump to the chest caused the cardiac arrest but the coroner stated that did not contribute to the cause of death. All of these sad tragic string of events that have happened to these students is horrible and would benefit the family if they at least knew what was their cause of death.  Spontaneous deaths like these should make you cherish your family and kids even more.


Japan just had a recent disaster that was a cause and effect incident. People may not know that the tsunami in Japan was caused by a 9.0 earthquake. Some places in California felt the aftermath of the tsunami by suffering from tsunami related damages. Although the damages are bad some will argue that there will be some good out of this devastation. This disaster will cause for some rebuilding. This in return will cause for old and new jobs. Everything from streets, house, office buildings, information networks, and energy grids need to be reconstructed as there is no longer any existence of some of these things.
Japan Tsunami Earthquake 2011 pictures
Japan Tsunami 2011 bridge collapse
They say there will be a need for energy efficient technology which will stir up a global demand. This demand for workers and products will definitely attract business investments and have people considering life in a new country. An interesting fact for Japan is it is the world’s leading solar energy-power energy producer in which it produces fifty percent of the world’s solar power. In the end I believe some good will come out of this disaster even though I’m still sad so many lives were lost.
Japan quake: live report


Through my entire life I have always been given hand me downs since I am the so called "baby" of the family.  Therefore as a teen I was given my sister's old bedroom furniture set.  I still have the furniture because I can't afford a new set and it doesn't seem like my parents are going to buy it.  So one day I decided to redo the furniture and accent it in my in my favorite color, teal.  I bought the paint form Lowe's and tried to find a close color to the original trim paint.

Here is the funiture how it looked before very plain and trimmed in a very light teal almost baby blue. 
Next after finding the paint color, I also found new knobs since the old ones were either broken or kept falling off.  I went home afterwards and cleaned and stripped all the furniture of its handles including the desk, dresser, and night stand.  It took me approximately two to three days to finish painting and puuting on all the new twenty three knobs.

Redoing the furniture was really a success and improved the traditional style of the pieces.  The paint color blended well with other paterns and color already in the room.  Also when my sister saw her old furniture freshly painted and redone she told me she wanted it back!


The no texting and driving law implemented in Georgia is a good idea. I believe that texting and driving can be very dangerous not only to yourself but to other drivers on the road around you. I don’t believe that talking and driving is as bad even though studies have shown that the conversation itself distracts the driver. Texting and driving is bad because the individual has to take their eyes completely off of the road to concentrate on their phone. This can sometimes cause the individual to swerve in return scaring other drivers around them or in worst cases even causing fatal accidents.
However, some phones have a speech recognition program on the phone in which you speak in to your phone and it transcribes what you said as text. This can be very helpful when it comes to texting but is still dangerous because the software can still produce the wrong words urging you to correct them.
I think younger drivers are more prone to texting and driving verses older drivers. There are a number of reasons why I say this. One reason older drivers are not affected by texting while driving is due to them being use to just making phone calls with their phones.  Young people were born into this era of texting therefore brainwashing them to believe texting any and all the time is appropriate.

iPad VS iPad2

Apple has just recently released their second generation iPad titled iPad 2. The iPad astonished people and caused a lot of stir all around the world. The iPad had people fighting, kicking, and scratching to get their hands on one. The iPad was not the first tablet but the way it sold you would have thought it was. A lot of people argued that the iPad was just a big iPhone without the call capability which it is but Apple argue that the experience was different. The iPad launched in 2010 and less than a year later the iPad 2 was launched with many upgrades.
The iPad 2 boasted a faster dual core processer called the A5 chip. It also boasted an enhanced graphics card, same long lasting battery life, and thinner lighter shape. With all of these changes the new iPad 2 manages to keep its attractive prices starting at $499. With the launch of the new iPads the predecessors drop by $150 making the entry price of the old iPads $349.


The Apple makes a more solid device as far as a phone goes. They have sold millions of handsets with their first generation of iPhone and still sold a good amount of the next generation of handsets even with the known issues. The phone has very little problems with reliable functionality. The only down fall to Apple’s new iPhone is the lack of an interchangeable battery, antenna issue, and lack of customization. Besides these few things the iPhone is a great solid phone in which I recommend to anyone looking to upgrade their current device. The phone is now carried by two carriers, AT&T and Verizon.
The Android is Google’s competitor to the iPhone. Google has a lot of things going for itself in this battle verses the iPhone. One, any phone company can make a device for the Android operating system. This gives someone a variety of choices instead of one standard choice. Two, you also have an interchangeable battery which you may upgrade your battery in order to get a longer battery life. Three, the Android operating system is a lot more customizable giving the user a way to express themselves individuality through their phone. Overall the Android operating system is very similar to Apple’s. They still have some kinks to work out before the company can completely dominate the phone market.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

3 Ways to Help Belly Fat

After having two kids and still very young in age, it is essential for me to keep my figure to continue my hobby of modeling.  My mother has told me different ways to keep baby belly fat off by wearing high waisted panties or pantie girdles.  However, these methods don't keep your belly entirely flat or lean.

After watching a Dr. Oz show, he suggested that eating certain foods will help keep your belly fat under control along with exercising.  The three foods he recommended eating were blackberries, blueberries, and avocados.  These fruit are considered to have antioxidants and help remove belly fat turning it into waste.

I have added blackberries and avocados into my diet, and I have seen an enormous change.  My belly is less flabby and even after I eat there isn't a pulge or bloating.  I have even gotten so many compliments from friends on how I keep my figure after having kids.  It just takes time to exercise and having healthier eating habits.

Message from the Bottle

For lunch on Tuesday, a friend and I went to Kroger to grab a few healthy things to eat.  While searching for a drink, I came across a new drink by SOBE so I decided to try it out.  It has all natural ingredients with only 5 calories and boosts your antioxidants.  I tasted the drink which was obviously delicious and refreshing.  Although, the taste wasn't what I loved most, it was the message in the bottle cap that caught my attention.  The little message "we miss u smooth LIPS" had absolutely made my day and put a smile on my face.
It is a part of SOBE's product and advertising to put these capturing messages in there bottle caps.  Being a consumer's of SOBE's drinks for a while I had gotten to the point that I would look forward to a new message every time I bought a drink. 

However, not only are the bottle caps with there silly messages a little something to want to collect or keep just to make you laugh, but I would sometimes keep the glass SOBE bottles to drink in again.  The bottles are made of glass and tall therefore, it better to keep a drink in than a plastic bottle.  In addition, the bottles are engraved with two little lizards which is a part of the SOBE logo. 

Crazy as it seems, I am a huge fan of SOBE drinks because of there delicious drinks, cool packaging, and especially loving there captivating messages in their bottle caps.

Other bottle cap messages...

Purple for Winter 2011

This pass weekend was extremely busy for me.  I had two birthdays to celebrate, a fashion show, make sure I went to church after all my fun and of course school work.  However, through my weekend I began to notice a strange occurrence of one very popular color.

I went to shop at the mall for a gift and a party dress for my sister's birthday.  I was looking for a particular style of dress, just a simple dress fitted with long sleeves in a solid color.  I didn't want to overdue my look for my sister's birthday because it was her day to shine.  Therefore, the first store had the dress but it was almost see through, that was a "big no no."  Continuing on to the second store, they didn't have the dress I was looking for but, I fell in love with this Purple one shoulder strap dress.  It was the cutest little cocktail dress for a party!  Although, it wasn't what I was looking for so I asked to put it on hold and I continued my search.  After an hour of more shopping I could not find anything to top the purple dress, everything else was rather boring and dull.  I found my way back to the second store and bought the purple dress for the party. 

Every since this experience in the beginning of my weekend buying this purple dress, I swear I began noticing purple everywhere.  I went to my fashion show on Saturday, and to my surprise all the hair and make up team were coordinated in purple.  They had on either purple shirts, scarves, dresses, or a vest.  It was so stylish and very cute to see a team so well coordinated in their purple.

Finally, its Sunday time for church and I decided that well since purple has been so popular this weekend that I was going to wear my purple tights with a cute black dress and boots.  I get to church, find a seat and sit down but with no surprise a lady sits down in front of me with a silky purple shirt.  As church continues, during communion I get the chance to see everyone's outfit.  The ushers come up to help, one lady has on a purple dress, a man has on a purple shirt coordinating with his wife that also had on a purple scarf, another member walks by with a striped suit in shades of purple, and then I finally notice there is a little girl that also has a jacket striped in purple. 

Either I'm going crazy over purple and noticing it everywhere, but I'm pretty sure I can say Purple is "in" if men are wearing it too!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Analizing Chicago's Columbian World's Fair

After the Chicago's fire in 1871, the city had to rebuild and wanted to showcase the new "Chicago" to the world in the Columbian's World's Fair Exposition in 1893.  The expo was composed of several government buildings, the fair grounds, and an island. 

The exposition also held the first fair grounds or midway that was approximately 2 miles long.  The first viewing of the Farris wheel was presented at the world's fair on the midway.

The main part of the exposition was held at the Court of Honor or also known as "White City."  The architect D. H. Bernham was the director of structures designed for the White City.  He composed three rules in which his team had to abide by such as a 60 foot cornice height, to use Beaux Classicism from l'Ecole Des beaux Arts, and all the buildings had to be white giving it the name White City.  

On display at the expo was also a viewing of electricity the new invention during this time.  Overall the well designed plan of this exposition influenced the City Beautiful Movement in which cities such as Washington D.C. reconstructed their city, building boulevards and new building structures.